Tai Chi Instructions

Tai Chi is a martial art based upon the principals of Chinese medicine, spiritual harmony and meditation. It utilizes slow movements to strengthen the muscles, improve coordination and increase flexibility. The breathing methods practiced in Tai Chi enhance deep relaxation of body and mind. Through the centuries, this peaceful “martial way” has proven effective in relieving stress and in improving a person’s general well-being. Although Tai Chi is an ancient martial art, it currently ranks high among the leading fitness activities. Studying the movements of Tai Chi is challenging, fun and relaxing. Students learn to improve their mental concentration, balance, and gracefulness. Studying this art does not require special clothing, equipment or space. Students may practice alone or in a group, and each student can develop at their own pace.
Do you have time?

There are 168 hours in each week. Typically, 56 hours of these hours are spent sleeping; 21 are set aside for meals; 40 to 50 are devoted to working, school and study. Therefore, approximately 41 hours still remain to do activities to take care of other needs. Participation in a Tai Chi class requires only 2 hours of class time and less than 1 hour of practice on your own each week. This means that there are at least 38 hours left to take care of all other needs. Benefits of Tai Chi for Seniors and Tai Chi are synonymous. A study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging, conducted at a prominent university in Georgia in 1995 was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). This study showed that Tai Chi was the only exercise that statistically and significantly decreased the number of falls among the elderly. Falls are the sixth largest cause of death among

A study sponsored by the National Institute on Aging, conducted at a prominent university in Georgia in 1995 was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). This study showed that Tai Chi was the only exercise that statistically and significantly decreased the number of falls among the elderly. Falls are the sixth largest cause of death among seniors and contribute to a general health decline even when they’re not the direct cause of death. The Tai Chi practitioners reported a 25% decrease in injuries from falls. Preventing falls is certainly an important goal for the senior population.
Class Times Are Flexible Private, semiprivate and group classes are available. 
For further information
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